
Ezra students use iPads in all K-5 classrooms.  iPads allows teachers to personalize learning for students and allows students to be more productive, creative, innovative and engaged.  Elementary students will use their iPads to access district approved digital resources in all areas of the curriculum.

Student in grades 3-5 have an iPad assigned to them that will be able to take home to use for homework at night when needed.  Students in K-2 will also have an iPad assigned to them to use in the classroom.  

Students gain experience using GSuite (Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Classroom, Docs, Sheets, Slides), various coding applications and learn keyboarding skills.  

The Information Technology standards are written in grade bands so students in PK-2nd and Grades 3-5 will acquire these skills throughout their PK-5 experience. These standards include:

  • Digital Citizenship,
  • Computational Thinking,
  • Computers and Communication Devices, and
  • Digital Communications.

Below you will find a link that will give you more information about Millard Tech policies and help you support your student when using the iPad at home.

Millard Guardian Tech Resources